Squirt 43 Assists Harmonville Fire Co. w/ Working RV Fire
By Watch Desk
January 19, 2025

At 23:14 hours last evening the volunteers of the Plymouth Fire Company No. 1 (Montco 43) were dispatched to assist the Harmonville Fire Company No.1 on the 100 block of Kirk Street for a reported vehicle fire.

Chief 44 arrived on location to find an RV well involved. Squirt 43 with a crew of 3 responded and upon arrival were put to work securing power to the mobile home. The crew then assisted with overhaul of the vehicle and final wet down.

Harmonville's crews off Engine and Squad 44 laid a supply line into the scene and quickly knocked down all visible fire with an 1¾" handline along with a booster line. Command placed the incident under control quickly and Station 43 was clear and available just after midnight.